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A soldier escapes from North Korean to South Korea
See How One North Korean Soldier Escaped To South Korea | TODAY
North Korean Defector: Explaining The Video
Exclusive: North Korean Defector Whose Escape Went Viral Speaks Out | TODAY
Another North Korean soldier escapes to South Korea
I Escaped North Korea. Ask Me Anything
North Korean Defector Whose Escape Went Viral Speaks Out In U.S. TV Interview | NBC Nightly News
North Korea defectors: Why it's getting harder to escape - BBC News
North Korean Defector On Surviving Beatings, Famine and Public Executions | Minutes With
North Korean Soldier’s Daring Dash Across Demilitarized Zone Caught On Camera | TODAY
North Korean Soldier Makes Desperate Escape In Border Chase | NBC Nightly News
North Korean soldier runs for border in dramatic escape video